Vitiligo. Insidious disease of the skin. Man sick with the disease becomes a victim of unfair treatment of others towards him. When many people see the white spots on the skin of the patient they try to avoid relationships with him, not realizing that in fact this is just depigmentation of the skin. As well as the different colors have different animals so some people sometimes lose the ability to continuous reproduction of melanocytes and then melanin is not sufficient enough to cover the skin. Cause of the disease has not been clarified. Treatment also does not have the expected results. The number of patients is increasing every year. In most countries the disease is officially considered to be incurable. Although doctors do not deny sporadic cases of self-healing. I myself have seen cases of cure of the disease. Why is our medicine is not able to overcome this disease - vitiligo? The word vitiligo itself means: cause of blemish marks. Hence the name itself has no explanation of this process, the formation of white spots. There are many treatments for vitiligo, but none does have particularly positive effects, whether it is worth to produce such drugs. After all, think for yourself, is it possible to revive the dead cells, is it possible to make the gray-haired brunette? Actually the problem of cure is not to increase pigment melanin, but to restore the normal number of melanocytes - cells that produce these pigments. As in vitiligo their number is greatly reduced. What do our doctors do today? They are trying to increase the formation of pigment, with tough stimulation of melanocytes, those are still alive, and the latter can not withstand such stimulation afterward, and also will be killed, making the disease even more extensive. So how can we recover and get rid of these spots? Is there no way back in pigmentation? I asked this question to my wise teacher. And I got a very interesting answer, listen up. Vitiligo develops on the same principle as the graying of hair. If we watch the graying process, then we will see that the hair is sometimes gets white not at the root of it but at the tip of it and sometimes right at the root. Why is it happening this way? The reason of this in the first case is an increase of hydrogen peroxide in those hair, what rapidly destroys the pigment, in the second case - a decrease of stem cells in hair roots, what reduces the number of melanocytes. In both cases graying is inevitable. Vitiligo has exactly the same causes, the only difference is that in vitiligo stem cells in hair follicles have ceased very quickly and more deeply into the skin, this involves a portion of skin melanocytes. The condition state of stem cells is the root cause of vitiligo. So what is the treatment? Is it possible to restore the number of stem cells and stimulate their differentiation toward melanocytes? Of course yes, it is possible. The fact that the number of these cells is strictly limited proportionally to directions and features of tissue metabolism. The only thing we need is to restore balance differentiation of stem cells. Yes, it sounds simple but it is not even about how it sounds, rather how we get rid of vitiligo, that's the main thing. The only way to get rid of this disease - the impact on particularly stem cells, which by nature are located around the hair follicles. If you noticed in patients with vitiligo process of re-pigmentation begins with hair follicle. It looks like the small dark dots are displayed throughout the skin, and this is the first sign of the beginning of cure. There is a definite formula for the impact of these stem cells by medical means, and physical effects. Do not exclude pheromones. Anyone who interested in this small article on vitiligo, please send us your questions.
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