Cancer. A very serious disease. You could even say a fatal disease. Is there a radical treatment of this scourge of our time. They do the surgical approach but there are no other ideas to get rid of this disease. A lot of scientists working on this issue, pushing a great number of theories and methods of treatment: from the use of baking soda to the canabinol. But all these ideas take us from reality. All that genius is always very simple. We should not get involved in the theories and removed from reality. Let's see what actually cancer is. In modern medicine they make it clear that cancer is the uncontrollable growth of atypical tissue of human body and abnormal structural development and function of active substances in the human genotype is the cause of this atypical growth. And the reason for the latter were a lot of other factors such as hereditary factors, environment, habits, and stress. Of course, it's acceptable, but absolutely vague, we need a brilliant and simple solution to this problem, not speculations of ordinary thinking. What ancient medicine is on this score speaks of, as it gives the definition of cancer. In those days, such diseases are very rare, because people do not overeat and did not have the amount of radiation around it. Therefore, a specific technique to get rid of this nosology was not determined, but it was believed that these diseases arise from over-stimulation of the principle of wind in the mode of ignorance. When the noble juice of body was exhausted and was dominated by a steam of putrefaction in the body, which became the cause of the foreign tissue. Treatment of such diseases in ancient times was to take in toxic substances, almost the same as chemo-therapy, as in modern medicine, although the latter only increased the concentration of these substances, and new back in this matter is not entered. So here we see no enlightenment in treatment and getting rid of this terrible disease. What can brilliant mind say on this issue. And one will tell us that everything is perfectly simple. First of all, to understand the cancer really we should see that the human body in this case has yet another living being in itself, a lower evolutionary level though. Imagine, in the womb of a woman appeared embryo, a completely different life, another body. It grows very quickly, in a few short months the child acquires a mass of 3-4 kilograms. It also forms a large amount of slag, which mother manages to show through the folded structure of the uterus barrier. But in the case of cancer such systems are not present, and the embryo is not nourished through the umbilical cord but directly it eats whatever on it's way. The only cause of cancer, as well as other diseases - unhealthy diet and lack of love. It sounds convincing and very much uncertain. But despite all of that it is the surest defenition of causes of cancer. How to cure cancer? Very simply, the right to eat and fall in love. How to accomplish it in practice? Unfortunately there will be a big obstacle to explain it here, because each one needs its own approach, otherwise you can do harm. So there is hope. My master in Uzbekistan now is working with this problem. And I am sure he can help.
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