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The Revelation of the Genius Hazrat
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Method of purification of sins
Even if his current life, we firmly adhere to the bodhisattva vows, our karma is heavy with sins of past lives, when we made a lot of serious and minor offenses. And when we are in life today have to overcome the difficulties in our faith and our belief in Dharma, hesitates, then do we prevent the mistakes of past lives. So it must be cleansed of them.

In "Akashagarbha Sutra" the Buddha advises those who made the sins of the bodhisattva vows in this or past lives, was born in the heart of a great sorrow and every day at dawn, turning to the east, and make offerings to the Bodhisattva Akashagarbhe strike, calling him by name. When efforts are successful, then before the man would Akashagarbha - either in sleep or waking, he will clean from sin, so that the practitioner can attain deep concentration.

Shantideva in the "Guide to the Bodhisattva path" gives another way, being one of the best:

"Three of accumulation" - that Mahayana Sutra "About three stocks higher, or Bodhisattva Repentance in moral transgressions," the root text of which we give.

I, on behalf of ..., go to the teacher as a refuge, I go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dhamma for refuge, I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Before the Master, the Blessed One, Tathagata, winner of the enemies, Fully Perfect Buddha, Sakyamuni Glorified Gina, I prostrate.

Prev Vadzhragarbhoy Tathagata, all with the essence of the Vajra endearing, I prostrate.

Prev Ratnarchisom Tathagata, the jewel of radiant Light, I prostrate.

Prev Nageshvararadzhey Tathagata, the Mighty King of the Nagas, I prostrate.

Prev Virasenoy Tathagata, the leader of the Heroes, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Viranandoy, grand pleasure, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Ratnagni, Precious Flame, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Ratnachandraprabhoy, Precious moonlight, I prostrate.

Prev Amoghadarshinom Tathagata, worthy of contemplation, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Ratnachandroy, Precious Moon, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Vimaloy, unsullied, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Suradattoy, send down the Glory, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Brahman, Pure, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Brahmadattoy, transformed with Purity, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Varuna, the Deity of Water, I prostrate.

Prev Varunadevoy Tathagata, the Gods of Water Deities, I prostrate.

Prev Bhadrashri Tathagata, the majestic superiority, I prostrate.

Prev Chandanashri Tathagata, the majestic sandal, I prostrate.

Prev Anantaudzhasom Tathagata, the endless brilliance, I prostrate.

Prev Prabhashri Tathagata, the majestic Light, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Asokashri, without imposing Sorrows, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Narayana, son of a dispassionate, I prostrate.

Prev Kusumashri Tathagata, the majestic flower, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Brahmadzhyotisom, clear learned in Joy of Clear Radiance I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Padmadzhyosom, clear learned in the lotus Joy Shine, I prostrate.

Prev Danashri Tathagata, the majestic Wealth, I prostrate.

Prev Smritishri Tathagata, the majestic remembrance, I prostrate.

Pre-Tathagata Parikirtita namashri, majestic named Grand Worship, I prostrate.

Pre-dhvadzhey Indraketu Tathagata, King of the head of the victorious banner of the Mighty, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Suvikratnoy, Glorified all endearing, I prostrate.

Prev Yuddhadzhaey Tathagata, the great winner in the battle, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Vikrantoy, Glorified All endearing departed into the beyond, I prostrate.

Prev Samantatavabhasoy Tathagata, the majestic organize all illuminating, I prostrate.

Prev Tathagata Ratnapadmoy, Precious Lotus Grand endearing, I prostrate.

Prev Shaylendraradzhey Tathagata, the winner of Enemies, Fully Perfect Buddha, King of the Mountain Meru, firmly seated on the Jewel Lotus, I prostrate.

Oh, all of you, Tathagata, and all the others, however much you may be - Tathagatas, winners of the enemy, completely perfect Buddha, the Blessed, living and staying in all areas of the world's ten directions - all you Buddhas, the Blessed, I ask: Take heed me!

In this and in all my previous lives since time without beginning, in all places of births during my wanderings in samsara I unwholesome action committed, commanded another to commit them, and rejoiced in their commission. I plundered the property of local offerings, assets and property of the Sangha Sangh ten of the world, commanded the others to kidnap him and rejoiced in his abduction. I have done five heinous crimes, commanded another to commit them, and rejoiced in their commission. I totally followed the path of ten nonvirtuous action commanded others to follow him and rejoiced when they followed him.

Under a heavy karmic obstacles such pregnant I would be hellish being or an animal, get to the world of hungry ghosts, stranded in a barbarian country of heretics, finding myself god-long resident, finding defective senses, become a supporter of the erroneous views or lose my opportunity to enjoy the Buddha.

In all these karmic obstacles I must confess in the presence of the Buddhas, the Blessed, who is inseparable from the sublime wisdom, who became the eye of those who witnessed, who is perfect, who sees everything through his wisdom. I must confess, without hiding anything from now on I will avoid such actions and to refrain from committing them.

About all the Buddhas, blessings, pray, listen to me. In this and in all my previous lives since time without beginning, in all places of births during my wanderings in Samsara any root of virtue, bought my gift to others, even my gift in the form of a piece of beeps those born animals, any root of virtue, subject brought up I have a moral discipline, any root of virtue, bought by my actions favorable to the great liberation, any root of virtue, bought my actions for the full maturation of beings endowed with consciousness, any root of virtue, bought my highest aspiration of the mind to enlightenment, and any root of virtue, bought due to my sublime unparalleled wisdom, - all this has been accumulated, collected and connected to my total devotion unsurpassed merit, those who are not superior, to those who even higher high, and those who exceed the unsurpassable, I dedicate unsurpassed, perfect, complete enlightenment.

As Buddha blessed the last time, dedicated them completely, as the coming Buddha, the Blessed One who will come and devote their full, as the living Buddha blessed devote their full, and I dedicate.

I'm sorry for each of the crimes I unwholesome actions. I rejoice in all merits of others. I beg and implore all the Buddhas I may find I am holy wisdom, the highest, superior, sublime.

All victorious, supreme beings, since the current, past and future, with the boundless ocean of praise your good qualities with joined hands together as I go for Refuge.

This completes the Mahayana sutra called the Sutra of those higher savings.

Sutra on the three highest accumulation

Repentance is the bodhisattva of moral transgressions

"Three times during the day and night

"Three of accumulation" read

And, with the winners and bodhicitta,

From all other sins clean ".

Opening speeches against religion
Doreligioznaya era
The emergence of Judaism
Jainism and Sikhism
World Religions
The rise of Islam
Abroad Europe
United Kingdom
Russian Orthodox Church
Social conception of Russian Orthodoxy
Seven periods of the history of Christianity
Birth rannebuddistskoy Sangha in India
Cosmology of Buddhism
The practice of the Bodhisattva
The practice of thirty-five Buddhas Repentance
All Buddhas are able to protect living beings from suffering and unwholesome karma, but only thirty-five Buddhas have a special karmic connection with people because of the prayers and dedication that they have done, being the bodhisattvas. The force of their blessings is that can clean the most serious action - with faith enough to pronounce their names.

On the effective, cleansing power of the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas said many times, but it should not be understood in the sense that it is enough simply to hear or say this or that high reputation. On behalf of, heard or spoken, without a sincere aspiration to enlightenment, to the cleansing and repentance, for spiritual growth - will not be good or it will be negligible. If faith and spiritual striving strong, good action can be arbitrarily small - and yet it will be effective. Thus, in ancient times, a messenger had taken refuge in the temple, where he saw an image of a Buddha Kasyapa. He lights up a strong desire to see firsthand the image of the Buddha, and found a rebirth as Sariputra, one of the closest disciples of Buddha Shakyamuni.

Thanks to the spoken name of thirty-five Buddhas, many students Tszonhavy to see them. Again, that is the reason that we do not see Buddhas and Bodhisattvas - a pollution of the mind, not that they are not before us. So on an overcast day in the sky can not see the sun, but it does not mean that it is not.

Any living creature - be it celestial or tiny insect - can make an unwholesome thing, but people are able to completely clear it.


We envision the Buddha Shakyamuni seated on a throne in the glory of his majesty and wisdom. Before him sit the rest Thirty-four Buddhas, in five rows. In the first row - all with the essence of the Vajra endearing, jewel of radiant light, the Mighty King of the Nagas, leader of the Heroes, Majestic Pleasure and Jewel Flame. In the second row - Moonlight Precious, Worthy of Contemplation, Precious Moon, unblemished, send down Glory, pure and converted with the cleanliness. In the third series - Deity of Water, God of Water Deities, Majestic Excellence, Grand Sandal boundless brilliance, majestic and magnificent light without sorrow. In the fourth row - Son of a dispassionate, stately flower, clear knowing in Joy of Clear Radiance, clear knowing of joy lotus lights, magnificent richness, Majestic Magnificent Remembering and Honoring the Great named. Finally, the bottom row - the King of the Head of the victorious banner of the Mighty, All Famous endearing Grand Winner in the Battle, Exalted conquers all Gone into the beyond, Grand organize all illuminating, Precious Lotus Great conquers and the King of the Mountain Meru. They all sit on the thrones of precious, on a lotus and moon and the sun disk. Meeting thirty-five Buddhas Repentance is surrounded by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of ten corners of the world.

The body of each of a Buddha - a combination of all the precious Sangha, we are each of a Buddha - a combination of all the precious Dharma, Buddha-mind of each - a combination of all the precious Buddha.

If you are unable to reach their full visualization, it is not terrible, the main thing - do not doubt that we will live among the real, living buddha ..

name in Sanskrit

(And Tibetan)
unwholesome karma purifies

Buddha Shakyamuni

(Sangs-rgyas shakya thub pa)
all unwholesome action, the accumulated ten thousand kalpas

All conquering with Vajra Essence

(Rdo-rje shin-po)
all unwholesome action, the accumulated ten thousand kalpas

Jewel of radiant light

(Rin-chen hod-hphro)
all unwholesome action, accumulated over twenty-five thousand kalpas

The mighty king of the Nagas

(Klu-dban gi-rgyal-po)
all unwholesome action, the accumulated eight kalpas

The leader of the Heroes

unwholesome karma of speech

Majestic Pleasure

Unwholesome karma of the mind

Precious Flame

creating a split in the Sangha

Precious Moonlight

(Rin-chen zla-hod)
all unwholesome action accrued in one kalpa


(Mthon-ba don-yod)
criticism of higher beings

Precious Moon

(Rin-chen zla-ba)
killing mother


(Dri-ma med-pa)
father's murder

Send down the Glory

Kill the enemies Winner


malicious shedding of blood of a Buddha

Converts to Purity

all unwholesome action, the accumulated ten thousand kalpas

Divinity Dog

Violence against enemy monk or winners

God of Water Deities

Kill Bodhisattva

Majestic Excellence

killing practitioners Higher Ways

Majestic sandal

misappropriation of property of the Sangha

Boundless Brilliance

(Gzi-brjid mthah-yas)
destruction SPEED

Majestic Light

unwholesome acts committed out of hatred

Majestic without Sorrows

(Mya-nan-med pahi-dpal)
Light Blue
unwholesome acts committed out of affection

Son of a dispassionate

(Sred-med kyi-bu)
all unwholesome action, the accumulated ten thousand kalpas

Majestic Flower

all unwholesome action, accumulated over a hundred thousand kalpas

Clearly Knower of Joy Clear Radiance

(Tshans-pahi hod-zer)
all unwholesome action, accumulated over one thousand kalpas

Clearly learned in the lotus Joy Shine

(Padmahi hod-zer)
all unwholesome action, the accumulated seven kalpas

Majestic Wealth

unwholesome actions arising out of bad habits

Majestic Remembrance

unwholesome karma of the body

Majestic named Grand Worship
Parikirtita namasri

(Mtshan-dpal yons-sgrags)
chagrin of Buddhas

King of the Head of Mighty Triumphant Banner

(Dban-pohi tog-gi rgyal-mtshan)
unwholesome acts committed out of jealousy

Famed conquers all

(Sin-tu rnam-par gnon-pa)
forcing others to commit unwholesome acts

Grand Winner in the Battle

(Yul-las rgyal-ba)
unwholesome acts committed out of arrogance

Famed conquers all Gone into the beyond

(Rnam-par gnon-pa)

Majestic organize all illuminating

(Kun-nas snan-ba)
rejoice in evil

Precious Lotus Great conquers

(Rin-chen padma)
rejection of the Dharma

King of the Mountain Meru

(Ri-dban-gi rgyal-po)
Light Blue
breach of obligations

All the hardships suffered by me from beginningless time, and all the hardships that I have in the future - the consequences of my unwholesome karma. Therefore it is not anything more helpful than practice sincerely purification.

Buddha - a perfect witness of repentance. Through the power of their blessings I can clean all the unwholesome karma created from beginningless time. Such an opportunity to practice in the purification exists only through the kindness of the Buddhas.

Opening speeches against religion
Doreligioznaya era
The emergence of Judaism
Jainism and Sikhism
World Religions
The rise of Islam
Abroad Europe
United Kingdom
Russian Orthodox Church
Social conception of Russian Orthodoxy
Seven periods of the history of Christianity
Birth rannebuddistskoy Sangha in India
Cosmology of Buddhism
The practice of the Bodhisattva
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